Sylvia TanPhD StudentAdvisers: J. Edward ColgateMichael Peshkin

My research is in understanding the necessary stimuli for creating realistic virtual textures on the fingerpad. I develop new fabrication methods to make soft, wearable, electroadhesive array-based tactile devices, and run psychophysical studies to test their validity.
M.S. Mechanical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019
Winter 2022 & Spring 2022: TA for Engineering Design (ME398-1 & ME398-2)
Fall 2021: TA for Introduction to Dynamics System (ME 390)
Winter 2021 & Spring 2021: TA for Engineering Design (ME398-1 & ME398-2)
Fall 2020: Grader for Introduction to Dynamics System (ME 390)