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ReactiveBuild: Environment-Adaptive Self-Assembly of Amorphous Structures

Title:ReactiveBuild: Environment-Adaptive Self-Assembly of Amorphous Structures
Publication Type:Conference Paper
Year of Publication:2021
Authors: P. Swissler, and M. Rubenstein
Conference Name:DARS-SWARM2021
Abstract: ReactiveBuild is an algorithm that enables swarms of robots to build a variety of robust, environment-adaptive structures without pre-planning. Robots form structures by climbing their peers until ei- ther reaching a point closest to a goal location or until a neighboring robot recruits it for structural reinforcement. This contrasts with typical approaches to robotic self-assembly which generally seek to form some a priori shape. This paper demonstrates a simulated swarm of Fire- Ant3D robots using ReactiveBuild to form towers, chains, cantilevers, and bridges in three-dimensional environments.

PDF: 2021dars_pswissler.pdf

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