Kevin M. LynchProfessor of Mechanical EngineeringDirector, Center for Robotics and Biosystems

Research Topics
Bio-inspired active electrosense and underwater robotics
Control and optimization for robot swarms
Swarm shape control
Research Interests: Robotics, particularly dynamics, motion planning, and feedback control of mechanical systems; mechanics, planning, and control of robotic manipulation (juggling, throwing, pushing, rolling, vibration, etc.) and locomotion; self-organizing systems, particularly decentralized control of mobile sensor networks and swarm robotics; underactuated dynamic systems; physical human-robot interaction; industrial applications.
1989-1996, Carnegie Mellon University
Ph.D. in Robotics, February 1996
Thesis: Nonprehensile Robotic Manipulation: Controllability and Planning
Advisor: Prof. Matthew T. Mason
1985-1989, Princeton University
B.S.E. with honors, Electrical Engineering, June 1989
ME 449 Robotic Manipulation (see the Modern Robotics website for more information on the book, videos, software, and online courses)
Coursera Online Specialization on Modern Robotics
- Principles of Robot Motion
- ME 333 Introduction to Mechatronics (see the Embedded Computing and Mechatronics website for information on the book and other materials)
- ME 495 Nonlinear Control
- ME 448 Flexible Automation and Robotics
- ME 450 Geometry in Robotics
- ME 495 Special Topics: Motion Planning and Control Under Uncertainty